Monday, June 22, 2009

Mondays Suck

Maybe it was the hangover, maybe it was the lousy weather outside, maybe it was the sleep deprivation that came with staying up way too late to play with my new toy (the blog), maybe it was the knowledge that Dearly Beloved and T1 and T2 were all at home while I was not.

Maybe it was just the fact that it was Monday.

But I didn't want to be where I was supposed to be and could barely summon up the motivation to do what I had to do.

I present for your consideration two videos that sum up my state of mind today.

Hey...did I just imbed two videos on my blog? Yay me! Maybe Monday wasn't so bad after all. do you feel about Mondays? How do you deal with them?



  1. I feel a lot better about Mondays when they start on a Tuesday. Sorry you had to work yesterday. Glad you took time out to do something more interesting. :-)

  2. Mondays suck ... big time! So I tried to change my point of view: Monday? Yay! The weekend´s just four more days away! It works ... sometimes ;-)
